Build an NFT community


Help your holders verify their NFT ownership across multiple wallets and protect their privacy at the same time!

How to do this

Official Policy IDs

Publish your policy IDs in a standardized, trusted way on all your Discord servers.

How to do this

Automatic Roles

Automatically assigns holders different roles based on the NFTs they own, customize minimum counts and more...

How to do this

Giveaways and Raffles

Build raffles that fit your community - bring new people on board or reward your trusted members.

How to do this
Kimosabe Art - @nft4r
Kimosabe Art - @nft4r

Cyberpunk Samurai, Machine Headz & more

Are you a wizard? Because this is probably the best bot for Cardano I have tried. Great work mate...
Max - @unv_25
Max - @unv_25

UNIVERSE.25 & Society.25

Not only a great and efficient bot but also led by a great Developer! We couldn't be happier to deploy this bot on our server and can't wait for more.